Maybe Better Pose Lora

Maybe Better Pose Lora - v3.0 | Stable Diffusion LoRA | Civitai
v3 融合額外訓練的動作模型,與 v2 相同會干擾輸出,對於動作的干涉會更強,請自行斟酌權重的調整與使用。 Adding additional trained motion models, same as v2, will interfere with the output and will ...
Model:SD 1.5
((different clothes)), (Petite) ,(low angle, shot from below:1.2, shot from feet:1.2), (random pose, posing to viewer), portrait photo of a 18 years old blonde woman, wearing shorts, (hanging breasts), beautiful face, perfect eyes, brown hair, sitting, legs, spread legs <lora:hinaMaybeBetterPose_v3:0.6>
((different clothes)), (((Petite))) ,(low angle shot, shot from below:1.2), portrait photo of a 18 years old blonde woman, wearing shorts, (large hanging breasts, sagging breasts), beautiful face, perfect eyes, medium haircut, random pose, posing to viewer, <lora:hinaMaybeBetterPose_v3:0.5>
((different clothes)), (Petite) , (random pose, posing to viewer), portrait photo of a 18 years old blonde girl, (large hanging breasts), beautiful face, perfect eyes, brown hair, (high angle),<lora:hinaMaybeBetterPose_v3:0.7>