Forgotten Pages

Forgotten Pages - v1.0 | Stable Diffusion LoRA | Civitai
Forgotten Pages Hey there, I'm Simone, and this marks my maiden voyage into the realm of LoRa. The idea behind this LoRa is to craft the hand-drawn...
Model:SD 1.5
a drawing of
a map of


forgotten_pages a drawing of a scene of a warrior fighting a giant monster <lora:forgotten_pages:1>
forgotten_pages a drawing of a castle with a mountain in the background, red roofs blue sky green grass white clouds <lora:forgotten_pages:1>
forgotten_pages a drawing a forest with a path in the middles and high trees <lora:forgotten_pages:1>
forgotten_pages a drawing a bounch of vegetable and fruits, annotation <lora:forgotten_pages:1>
forgotten_pages a drawing a cauldron with and octupus inside <lora:forgotten_pages:1>
forgotten_pages a drawing a portrait of a witch <lora:forgotten_pages:1>